Ascot received 4-star DBJ Green Building Certification for the first time
ー AUSPICE Fukuoka Tenjin, an office building with ‘ Environmental and Social Considerations’ ー
As an organization, Ascot Corp. positions "coexistence and harmony with people, society and the natural environment" as our core purpose.
Through various activities and endeavors rooted in this purpose, we strive for company growth while contributing toward the realization of social and environmental sustainability.
In order to achieve sustainable growth together with society and all of our stakeholders, we leverage our strengths in environmental, social and governance (ESG) measures based on the following nine priority focus areas.
Environmental Preservation
Increasing Numbers of Sustainable Development Projects
Increasing Sustainability-focused Business Transactions
Green Financing Deliberations and Introduction
Diversity Considerations
Sustained Provision of High-quality Properties
Contributions to Local Regions and Society
Promotion of Health and Productivity Management
Guaranteed Transparency
Strengthening of Internal Controls
Improved Disclosure via Webpages and Other Means
Guaranteed Business Administration Transparency Through Digital Transformation (DX) Measures